Dhaka to Noakhali train schedule with ticket price (Update)

Dhaka to Noakhali train schedule with ticket price (Update)! Hello Guys, How are you? I think you are searching the schedule of Dhaka to Noakhali with ticket prices. This is right place about this schedule. You know a Large number of passengers go to Dhaka to Noakhali every day. Noakhali is a remote place on Southeast Bangladesh. It is about 177 km distance by Bangladesh Railway report. In this Article, I will describe all the updated information about Dhaka to Noakhali train schedule.

There are some charming place in the Noakhali district. The Nijhum Island and Swarnadwip the special wonderful place. People come from different places to see such wonderful place. They come here by bus, motor cycle, CNG, Or other vehicle. Their first choice to journey by train. Because this is hassele free and there is no traffic jam on this route. So they feel comfortable and take this journey at any cost. Noakhali play in viatal role by the agricultural add increases economy.

Dhaka to Noakhali

Train Name:

Intercity Train Mail Express
Upokul Express [712] Noakhali express [12]

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Dhaka to Noakhali Intercity train schedule:

To more Facilities Intercity train is the First priority of the journey lovers. Noakhali to Dhaka route intercity train is the vital role to journey.  Tuesday is the holiday of this intercity train.

Train Name [Code] Off Day Departure Time Arrival Time
Upokul Express [712] Tuesday 03:20 pm 09:20 pm

Dhaka to Noakhali Train Stoppages:

There are different train station on this route . The list of Train stoppage place.


Dhaka to Noakhali Mail train schedule:

Mail train is the another best journey of the people. Its facilities is low but safe.

Train Name [Code] Off Day Departure Time Arrival Time
Noakhali express [12] No 07:15 pm 04:40 am

Noakhali to Dhaka Intercity train schedule:

Train Name [Code] Off Day Departure Time Arrival Time
Upokul Express [711] Wednesday 06:00 am 11:45 am
Dhaka Express [11] No 08:45 pm 04:25 am

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Dhaka to Noakhali Train Ticket Price:

Seat Division Ticket Price Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 225 Taka
Shuvon Chair 270 Taka
First Seat 360 Taka
First Berth 540 Taka
Snigdha 518 Taka
AC 621 Taka
Ac Berth 932 Taka

How to Buy tickets Dhaka to Noakhali :

You can buy tickets online or Offline. If you have not enough time to go on the station then you buy ticket online. You have some policy follow to buy ticket online. Now I will show the policy in the below.

  1. At  first you register on the Bangladesh Railway Esheba website.
  2. Then Visit Esheba website (https://www.esheba.cnsbd.com/).
  3. Then registration webpage where careful fill-up form. After that click “Register” button on the screen.
  4.  Then Bangladesh Railway sends you a verification link in your mail address.
  5. By clicking this link you complete your registration .
  6. From online service Completing registration you can buy or booking an online train ticket.

See the processing online tickets:

  1. “purchase ticket” button. on the Dashboard click the button.
  2. Then select your expected Station, Journey date, Destination and seat class.
  3. Then you Click on the “Search Train” Button.
  4. Then you clicking “Auto-Select” or “Seat Selection” you will able to select your seat and and then complete your payment method.
  5. When  payment is complete a confirmation receipt will show.
  6. Then finally, you can get your Expected train ticket online.

Final word:

This is the best site to know the any train schedule. Today I have share Dhaka to Noakhali train Schedule. I think all information I have included here about Dhaka to Noakhali train schedule. If you interested any other schedule as you favorite please comments. I will prepared that schedule. Thank you.

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